City Boards

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission serves in an advisory capacity to City Council regarding revisions and updates to the Comprehensive Plan and land use regulations.  The Planning Commission consists of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by City Council.  The Planning Commission shall have the power to perform all duties conferred upon them by RCW 35A.63, or by City Ordinance (NMC 2.16).


Chair:  Terri Ivie

Vice Chair: Troy Moody

Chris Thomas

Ty Krohn

Allison Zimmerman


  • 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 PM
  • Newport City Hall, Council Chambers

Attend the Planning Meeting  via zoom.

Meeting ID: 826 5436 1471

Passcode: 088123
Dial in by phone: (253) 215-8782 US or (669) 900-6833

Planning Commission Agendas & Minutes

Planning Commission Notices: Public Hearing – Zoning changes & comprehensive update

Civil Service Commission

The Civil Service Commission is comprised of three persons appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council.  The Civil Service Commission’s powers and duties are established by RCW 41.12 in connection with the selection, appointment and employment of police in the City.  (NMC 2.48)


Chair: Jared Horton

Vice Chair: Dayton Allemand

Dale Weathers

Chief Examiner Secretary: Kathryn Bowman

Alternate Chief Examiner Secretary – Nickole North, MMC, CPFA


  • Third Tuesday every month at 8:00am
  • Newport City Hall, Council Chambers.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 9014 4542

Passcode: 652024