Any person wishing to request access to public records of the City of Newport or seeking assistance in making such a request should contact the Public Records Officers of the City of Newport, the Deputy Clerk or Police Clerk. The public records officers will oversee compliance with the act but another City staff member may process the request. We are always mindful of individuals’ privacy rights, and are aware of the need to have efficient and accurate information from requests.
Completed forms may be emailed to:
Alternatively you may mail to: 200 S. Washington Ave, Newport WA 99156 or drop off at City Hall at the same address.
Administrative Requests:
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer and Public Records Officer: Tiffany Hansen
Phone: 509-447-5611
Public Records Policy
Public Records Request Form
Police Record Requests:
Police Clerk: Kathryn Bowman
Phone: 509-447-6497
Police Records Request Form
Newport Police Page
Public Record Fees
* 15 cents per photocopy or printed copy of the electronic record
* 10 cents per scanned page
* 5 cents per four electronic files or attachments uploaded to email or other electronic delivery