The City of Newport provides water and sewer utility service to residents within City limits. Rates are determined by the size of the connection and can be found in our rate schedule at the link below. The standard residential water and sewer rate is $129.42 monthly in Newport which is for 10,000 gallons of water. Usage over that will incur overage charges.
Water & Sewer Rates – Effective 1/1/2025
Water and Sewer utility accounts are the responsibility of the property owner and accounts are set up under the property owner. A tenant may be added to the account and complimentary copies can be sent to the tenant. Please complete an application by downloading a copy (link below), or come to City Hall to pick one up.
Application for Water/Sewer Services
View the 2023 water quality report (CCR) for Newport here.
Prohibited Discharge Standards for Wastewater
All utility billing and service questions: 509-447-6495, email for assistance.
Payment options
- Customers may pay by cash, check or by Visa/Mastercard, American Express, E-Check, Discover, debit card, PayPal or Venmo.
- Pay online, by mail, in person, or use our drop box.
- There is no fee to use a debit or credit card to make a payment.
- Set up Auto Pay, pay by text, set up paperless billing or make a onetime payment through our online payment portal.
Autopay and Paperless Billing
We strongly encourage all customers to set up Autopay and paperless billing. We are not able to do that in our system, however our online partner is 100% secure and free. Click on the link below to set up your account. You will need your account number and last name to register.
Online Payment Portal
Invoice Cloud assumes all responsibility for their services.
Drop Box
There is a drop box in the main door of City Hall. This box is checked each day and payments are posted upon receipt. If a payment is put in the drop box the night of the 20th, it will be considered on time and no late charges will be assessed.
Yearly Payment Discount
If a customer pays for a year in advance, a 5% discount will be applied to their account at time of payment. The yearly payment is based on the current monthly water/sewer rates multiplied by 12. The monthly billing amount will not change.
Water Shut Offs
You may request to have your water shut off temporarily for any reason by calling City Hall at 509-447-5611. There is a $20.00 fee which includes turning the water back on. We require someone to be present on the property when turning the water back on.
Additional Fees
Late Fee: Water/Sewer bills are mailed out the last business day of each month. The payment is due upon receipt and must be paid by the 20th of the month in which it is received to avoid late charges. The late fees are $5.00 for water and $5.00 for sewer.
Shut off fees: You may request to have your water turned off by the City, however there is a fee to do so.
Turn off/on fee for water turned off per owner’s request – $20.00
Shut off fee for non-payment of water/sewer bill – $30.00
Shut off for non-payment door notices: If a door notice is delivered to your physical address, a $20.00 fee will be assessed. If payment is not received and water is turned off for non-payment, the $30.00 turn off fee will also be assessed.
Non Sufficient funds: Per Resolution #01152022, the NSF fee on all returned payments is $35.00.
Criteria for Waiving Water/Sewer Late Fees
The City Council has determined that the following reasons will be considered in determining whether or not the customer is able to show good cause for nonpayment of their utility bill:
- Death in the family
- Hospitalization of customer or their immediate family
- Customer is bedridden or otherwise incapacitated to such an extent that they are unable to leave their home to prepare and mail the payment
- If there is a change in the City billing/payment system, late fee can be waived once during the transition period
- If a payment is postmarked or it is a check issued by the customer’s bank through an on-line payment that is issued by the due date
- If the finance department makes an administrative error
- If an emergency has been declared
Failure of the customer to receive a billing mailed by the City does not qualify for an adjustment of the late fee.
The customer needs to provide a letter to the City Clerk ( which shows good cause for nonpayment as listed above. Once this is completed, the City Clerk will respond in writing, notifying the customer if an adjustment of the late fees will be made. If the City Clerk does not find good cause for the customer’s nonpayment, the customer will be informed in writing. Appeal may be made to City Council. If the customer does not pay the fee by the date specified on the late notice, the utility service to the customer’s premise may be shut off.
All requests to waive late fees must be in writing.
Leak Policy
Per City Ordinance, a customer may be granted a reduction in their water bill due to a leak once within a 24 month period. All repairs must be completed within 10 days of discovery of the leak. Once the repairs are completed, the customer may request a reduction of the bill per Ordinance 1057. Complete the Leak Reduction Request Form, attach receipts, photographs or other evidence of repair and submit to the Accounting Clerk ( for consideration.
Please review Ordinance 1057
Water Services during Extreme Heat Advisory
The state legislature recently enacted ESHB 1329, limiting utility shutoffs for lack of payment during periods when the National Weather Service has issued an extreme heat advisory. Effective July 24, 2023, if the National Weather Service has announced an extreme heat advisory for the City of Newport water service area and a customer is currently without service, please contact us at 509-447-5611 to discuss restoring water service during the advisory.
Backflow Prevention Device Policy
Washington State Law (WAC-246-290-490) and City Ordinance NMC 13.10 require all underground irrigation systems and high-hazard water system connections to have a backflow prevention assembly device installed. This device must be tested by a Certified Backflow Assembly Tester (BAT) each year. All costs are incurred by the customer. Click here for a list of licensed backflow testers. Test results must be provided to the City annually. Test Reports may be submitted to
What are Backflow Prevention assemblies?
A device installed on water service lines that prevents a backflow of contaminants into the City’s water system through cross connections. Without proper backflow protection, your irrigation system could endanger the health of the community.
When a property owner fails to install, repair, maintain or test a backflow prevention device, it may result in water shut off per NMC 13.10.070.
Cross Connection Control Program